New podcast episode with IATA's Director of Energy Transition, Hemant Mistry Green Aviation, Green Flying, PodcastMiquelMarch 14, 2023Comment
New podcast episode with Ivor van Dartel, founder of Vaeridion Green Aviation, Green Flying, PodcastMiquelMarch 8, 2023VaeridionComment
New podcast episode with Gregory Davis President and CEO of Eviation Podcast, Green Aviation, Green Flying, Future of FlightMiquelFebruary 13, 2023EviationComment
New podcast episode with electric aviation futurist Morell Westermann Podcast, Green Aviation, Green FlyingMiquelFebruary 4, 2023Comment
New podcast episode with Val Miftakhov, founder of ZeroAvia Podcast, Green Aviation, Green FlyingMiquelJanuary 20, 2023ZeroAviaComment
UK sustainable aviation hub gets flight to London Airlines, Airports, Green Aviation, Green FlyingMiquelNovember 3, 2022Loganair, ATR-42, Saab 340Comment
New podcast episode: bringing back the airship, Tom Grundy (HAV) Podcast, Green Aviation, Green FlyingMiquelOctober 29, 2022Airlander, HAVComment
New podcast episode: realism in electric aviation, with Tom Vroemen (Electric Leap) Green Aviation, Green Flying, PodcastMiquelOctober 23, 2022Comment
The DHC-2 Beaver, honoured with new Canadian stamp Aircraft, Green Aviation, Green FlyingMiquelOctober 13, 2022DHC-2Comment
New podcast episode: building an electric aviation startup, with Josef Mouris (ELECTRON) Newsletter, Green Aviation, Green Flying, Future of FlightMiquelSeptember 19, 2022ELECTRONComment
New podcast episode: building an eVTOL ecosystem in Latin America, with Felipe Varon Podcast, Green Aviation, Green FlyingMiquelAugust 27, 2022Comment
New podcast episode: talking hydrogen aviation with Paul Perera (Fluxart) Podcast, Green Aviation, Green FlyingMiquelAugust 22, 2022Comment
Is it a boat? Is it a plane? Airlines in Hawaii bet on REGENT Green Aviation, Green Flying, AircraftMiquelAugust 9, 2022Hawaiian, Mokulele Airlines, REGENTComment
Catamaran or airship? The Air Yacht on The Points Guy Writing, Green Aviation, Green FlyingMiquelJuly 25, 2022AirshipsComment
ZeroAvia on a roll at the Farnborough Air Show - UPDATED Aircraft, Airlines, Future of Flight, Green Aviation, Green FlyingMiquelJuly 22, 2022ZeroAvia, Ravn, Alaska Airlines, IAGComment
Umiles presents new Spanish eVTOL Future of Flight, Green Aviation, Green FlyingMiquelJuly 12, 2022UmilesComment
AIR tests its "flying car" successfully Green Aviation, Green Flying, Future of FlightMiquelJuly 12, 2022Comment
New podcast episode with Simon I. Briceno, CCO of Jaunt Air Mobility Green Aviation, Green Flying, PodcastMiquelJuly 5, 2022Comment
First aircraft 100% electric in Spain Green Aviation, Green FlyingMiquelJune 25, 2022PipistrelComment