New podcast episode: overcoming aerophobia, with Alon Pereg

Aerophobia is the fear of flying. Those of you following this site and podcast are likely not among this demographic, but there are way more people that are afraid of flying out there than I had ever thought.

So, Alon Pereg, an Israeli airline pilot turned entrepreneur, decided to do something about it. He started with in person workshops and events, in which he aimed to address this type of fears, but he soon saw the need to go digital in order to reach a larger audience.

The Simplifly App, which was launched by Alon and a small group of partners, has lots of information that seek to answer some of the most common concerns the aerophobic people have, plus a number of premium features for enhanced assistance, including the possibility of chatting with real, qualified pilots.

On this episode we talk with Alon about this project as well as about the broader issue of the fear of flying.

And, listen carefully!…there is a little present from the Simplifly App team: access to the premium features through a code that we’ll disclose during our conversation!

The Allplane Podcast #75 - overcoming the fear of flying, with Alon Pereg (SimpliFly App)

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