The Allplane Podcast #75 - overcoming the fear of flying, with Alon Pereg (SimpliFly App)

Alon’s career spans several decades in, both, military and civilian aviation. He’s been at the helm of all sorts of aircraft, from F-16s to the Dreamliners, which he currently flies for Israeli airline El Al.

But, while Alon’s flying career could surely provide material for several episodes, the reason he’s here today on the podcast is the SimpliFly App, a tool he and his partners have developed in order to help people fight their fear of flying.

A surprisingly large number of people suffer fear of flying to some degree. This is something Alon realized after quite a few people in his circle sought advice about how to address this issue.

Alon would soon find himself organizing workshops for people that wished to overcome their fear of flying. But, in person events, are, of course, limited in scale and reach. If fear of flying is so widespread, why not scale it up with tools and channels that allowed him to reach many more people at any one time?

The next step, thus, was to launch SimpliFly, an app that helps people address their fear of flying through a series of lessons and interactive features that allow you to communicate with qualified pilots in order to seek answers and advice on this matter.

So, today’s podcast is about Alon’s entrepreneurial journey, but also about a broader topic, the fear of flying and the ways those that experience it can overcome it.

And, as a bonus, listeners of this podcast will benefit from an exclusive present: FREE access to the Simplifly premium features by entering a promo code that Alon will reveal during our conversation!

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Things we talk about in this episode:

  • Alon’s professional background in aviation

  • How many people are afraid of flying

  • Consequences of the fear of flying

  • How the idea for the SimpliFly App came up

  • How does the SimpliFly App help people overcome their fear of flying


SimpliFly App

SimpliFly podcast

Aerophobia on WebMD

A TIME magazine article that attempts to quantify fear of flying

Alon in the cockpit and a snapshot of the Simplifly App:

Interview Transcript:

(please note that, although we strive to make it as close as possible to the original recording, the transcript may not be 100% accurate)
