New podcast episode: Air Chathams, flying vintage airliners at the edge of the world

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When you stumble upon something unique and interesting, you often want to learn more about it.

This is what happened to me when I stumbled upon Air Chathams while researching an article for CNN about vintage airliners that one can still fly commercially.

So, I invited Duane Emeny, the second generation of the family that manages Air Chathams, to come on The Allplane Podcast to talk about this very unique airline.

Air Chathams is based in one of the most remote inhabited spots on this planet, several hundred miles off the east coast of New Zealand.

But this is not all, they are also the only airline to still operate commercially the Convair 580, a 1950s airliner. You can book your seats on this truly vintage airplane in any of the mainstream flight search platforms!

In fact, Air Chathams operates a rather diverse and eclectic fleet, that includes also a WW2-era DC-3 as well as several modern aircraft. And although the link between the Chatham Islands and New Zealand’s mainland continues to be their core task, they have grown to cover a number of other routes and missions, including some domestic routes in New Zealand, panoramic air tours or flying a link to the, also very interesting, Norfolk Island.

We are going to talk about all this and more with Duane Emeny of Air Chathams on this episode of the podcast!