The Allplane Podcast #110 - the state of the aviation industry w/ Jon Sindreu (Wall Street Journal)

Right as the commercial aviation industry gears up for the 2024 edition of the Farnborough Air Show, I got on Zoom with Jon Sindreu, one of the top journalists out there that knows the industry best.

Perhaps because, in addition to his strong focus on aviation, Jon covers also range of sectors through the popular “Heard on the Streat” section on the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), he is able to offer a no-nonsense view from outside the aviation industry bubble.

So, my idea for this episode was to review, together with Jon, some of the key macro trends that are shaping the commercial aviation industry: the future of the OEM duopoly, increasing consolidation in the European airline sector and, very importantly, the race to decarbonize the industry.

Is there going to be enough SAF around to comply with the different governmental and EU mandates? How to get more SAF to the market fast? And, last but not least, is advanced air mobility the disruptive technology that we are being told it will be or is it all just hype?

If you are looking for a fresh and outspoken voice on these matters you will possibly like Jon’s very straightforward talk.

So, join us in this conversation in which we try to leave no stone unturned!

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Things we talk about in this episode

  • Jon’s career, from engineering to financial journalism, covering the commercial aviation industry for the WSJ

  • Is the current equilibrium between the different aircraft manufacturers (OEMs), a stable one?

  • Perspectives for the airline industry in Europe - is it converging towards the US model or not?

  • Is the EU’s policy on sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) realistic?

  • How to get more SAF to the market?

  • What are the perspectives for the advanced air mobility industry?

Interview Transcript:

(please note that, although we strive to make it as close as possible to the original recording, the transcript may not be 100% accurate)
