New Podcast Episode: airline payment tech with Diego Pérez of CellPoint Digital

In this episode we have a look at an essential part of the travel experience, but one that most travelers never get to see, because it all happens behind the scenes.

One of the big enablers of modern air travel is the capability to purchase airline tickets digitally from pretty much any point in the planet.

This means often card payment processing, but in many parts of the world, like Latin America, alternative payment methods account for a significant share of the pie.

This is where companies like CellPoint Digital come into the scene, providing payment orchestration services which allow airlines and other travel providers the ability to take in payments through multiple channels and formats.

In this podcast episode, produced in partnership with CellPoint Digital, we are going to talk about all this trying to understand a bit better what happesn after you press the “Buy” button on the airline website.

Tune in for an interesting conversation with Diego Pérez, Business Development Director for Latin America at Cell Point Digital to learn which are the trends currently shaping the airline payments industry and how airlines can use orchestration technology not to leave money on the table.

The Allplane Podcast #119 - optimizing airline payments, with Diego Pérez (CellPoint Digital)