On CNN: the e-Flight challenge

CNN published my story about the e-Flight Challenge I took part in last summer.

In short: a Lucid Motors electric car and an Elektra Trainer electric plane departed at the exact same time from an airfield near Frankfurt, Germany, with the idea of being first to get to the North Sea island of Norderney, some 400km north (originally, the designated departure point was Memmingen, much further south in Germany, but stormy weather forced a change of location).

Maximum possible speed did not differ much between the two vehicles (German autobahns are famous for their lack of speed limits), and while the aircraft is able to fly a more straight line and make the crossing over water (the car had to complete the last few miles on a ferry to reach the island), the aircraft had less battery range, so had to stop at least twice for a rather slower recharge…

So, who got there first? You will need to read the article to find out!

But let’s say that the overall winner was…electric mobility! since both the car and the plane performed rather well throughout!

Btw, one of the organizers of the e-flight Challenge, Morell Westermann, has been on the podcast this year and also in 2020, when he completed a similar record-breaking electric flight across Germany.
