New podcast episode: talking regional aviation with Patrick Edmond (Altair Advisory)

In fact, in our conversation with Patrick Edmond we talk about regional aviation but also about much, much more…

It couldn’t be otherwise, since Patrick is a wold-class aviation expert with a long and broad experience that spans quite a few segments of this industry, from airline management to tech and aircraft leasing.

Right now, Patrick is also particularly active in the sustainable aviation space and, quite naturally, our conversation gravitates towards this topic too.

What are the implications for regional aviation of some of the green flying initiatives that are currently being proposed? How does regional air mobility fit in the broader sustainable aviation space? How can regional aviation contribute towards a more sustainable aviation industry while preserving its essential role providing services to a many communities? All of these are questions that we try to answer in this very insightful episode of the podcast!

The Allplane Podcast #81 - regional aviation & sustainability, with Patrick Edmond
