KLM is #happytohelp even other airlines' passengers
Not NASA, but KLM's social media center. Picture: KLM
A lot has been said about airlines embracing social media as a customer service tool, but what about using it as an outreach channel to get at people flying on other airlines?
This is what KLM is doing in its new bold #happytohelp campaing.
During 5 days, a KLM social media team operating out of this glass office at Amsterdam Schiphol airport monitored the main global social media channels identifying travelers' concerns and issues, no matter what airline were they flying...then sent out KLM representatives to fix the problem whenever possible, and not only in a virtual way. The operation included the deployment of some "real" assets, such as, for example, a speedboat in New York City to speed up travelers or a dedicated car in Amsterdam to get forgotten passports on time to the airport.
Quite an impressive, although I guess not very sustainable in the long run, "tour-de-force" for an airline that already excels at social media!