Avionerd wants to make everyone feel like a frequent flyer

Sharing the perks of being a frequent flyer

Sharing the perks of being a frequent flyer

Here is a travel app I recently came across that I found of interest because it delves into the social dimension of flying that some airlines are just starting to explore.

The Avionerd concept is based on the idea that people are "social animals", and, as such, if given a chance, they like to share and interact with each other.

For example, would you let someone else enter the airport lounge by using your frequent flier privileges for the chance of having an interesting meeting, or maybe in expectation of some reciprocal attention in the future? It turns out there are many travelers already doing this...through Flyertalk forums, for example. Avionerd aims to take it to a whole new level, with a very fresh design and a gamification layer.

Travelers using Avionerd to share their frequent flier privileges will get points and badges, which Avionerd is aiming to make redeemable for airline miles at some point in the future (according to Matteo Sarzana, the CEO and founder of the company, they are currently in talks with a number of airlines to make this possible).

And you might ask: where is the business in all this? Well, in addition to app sales and advertising Avionerd aims to capitalize on the interest of airlines to upsell or cross-sell services to the frequent flier community (there are 150M people in the World with some sort of frequent flier status).