The Allplane Podcast #77 - developing electric aviation with Tom Vroemen (Electric Leap)

Tom Vroemen knows what is it like to start a company in relatively unploughed field.

In the last decade he launched, grew and sold two tech companies before switching its attention to sustainable aviation.

Hi initial plan was to launch some sort of electric air service operation, but soon it was clear that the technology wasn’t there yet.

What was available, though, was his experience in scaling up businesses, and direct aviation expertise (he’s got a pilot license) to help startups in the electric aviation space get the basics right, raise the necessary amount of funds and develop viable products, one step at a time.

This contrasts with the strategy followed by quite a few electric aviation projects out there, including a big chunk of the eVTOL industry, which may be relying too much on what Tom calls “stacked black box” assumptions, the belief that a long list of issues will be somehow sorted in time and in the right order for a project to prosper.

So this episode of the podcast is a bit like a reality check that takes aim and dissects some of the most pressing issues the electric aircraft and eVTOL industries face. Tom doesn’t mince words in this analysis and, yet, at the same time, provides some insights about which strategies could stand a better chance to succeed.

Tune in for a direct, frank and insightful conversation about the future of electric aviation!

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Things we talk about in this episode:

  • Tom’s professional background and his different entrepreneurial ventures and exits

  • How Tom moved from developing electric motor boats to planes

  • What is Electric Leap and what it does

  • What are the main issues facing the electric aviation industry

  • Why eVTOLs may remain a very niche market

  • Why the sustainable aviation industry needs a reality check

  • Which strategies are more likely to produce advances in electric aviation

Interview Transcript:

(please note that, although we strive to make it as close as possible to the original recording, the transcript may not be 100% accurate)
