New podcast episode with Billy Thalheimer, founder of REGENT

Is it a boat or is it a plane?

Wing-in-ground vehicles are difficult to categorize, because they combine features of both. They fly, but only a few meters high and always above water…

After working at a number of advance aerospace programs, Billy Thalheimer set up REGENT to develop a clean-propulsion vehicle that capitalized a well-known aerodynamical principle, the ground-effect, which reduces drag and makes it possible to achieve very high speeds when flying very, very close to the surface of a body of water.

The result is the Seaglider, a wing-in-ground vehicles that aims to disrupt coastal and cabotage travel as we understand it today, since it is way faster than traditional ferries and cleaner and cheaper than today’s airplanes.

So far, REGENT has attracted the attention (and the funds!) of quite a few major players in both the ferry and airline industries, and it has also rallied quite a few prominent technology investors.

Where is REGENT right now with its development plans? When can be expect to skim the seas on a Seaglider?

Let’s have Billy Thalheimer answer all these questions in this episode of the podcast!

The Allplane Podcast #106 - the Seaglider revolution w/Billy Thalheimer, founder of REGENT