New podcast episode with Joshua Ng, of Alton Aviation Consultancy

As a Director at Alton Aviation Consultancy, Joshua Ng is in constant communication with major players from across the aviation industry.

What’s more, his Singapore base also provides Joshua with a great platform to observe (and shape as far as Alton’s customers are concerned!) developments in the aviation industry throughout the whole Asia-Pacific region.

This is a part of the world that is hopefully going to play also a major role in the ongoing quest to decarbonize air travel.

So, together with Joshua we review some of the major technologies being considered to transform the way we travel in the years ahead and he provides us with an informed point of view as the representative of one of the world’s top aviation consultancies.

In our conversation we even have some time to talk about what is going on in China and its emerging “low altitude economy”, which is how advanced air mobility and eVTOL development are being called there.

But enough of introductions…just tune in for a insightful chat about how the experts at Alton view the next decades of aviation!

The Allplane Podcast #117 - sustainable aviation in Asia, w/ Joshua Ng, Director at Alton Aviation Consultancy