New podcast episode with Omer Bar-Yohay (president of AutoFlight)

Omer Bar-Yohay was already at the epicentre of aviation innovation when few people had heard of electrically-powered aircraft, let alone of eVTOLs.

After a few years leading Eviation, one of the leading companies in the field of electric flight, in this episode of the podcast Omer Bar-Yohay shares some insights about the latest project he is involved in: eVTOL developer AutoFlight.

AutoFlight has been flying, metaphorically speaking, below the radar, but it has already achieved some remarkable results, including a recent record for the longest eVTOL flight on one battery charge.

Backed by some $100M from private investors, AutoFlight has built a truly global operation, with centers in China, Germany and the US and in March 2023 it announced an order for 205 of its aircraft from an eVTOL operator that intends to deploy them in the Middle East and other regions.

But first and foremost, this episode is a chance to get some valuable insights, from one of its most experienced executives about what is currently shaping the eVTOL industry .

Tune in for a fascinnting conversation with AutoFlight president Omer Bar-Yohay!

The Allplane Podcast #88, with Omer Bar-Yohay (president of eVTOL startup AutoFlight)