Interview with The Lego Pilot
Cologne is one of the favourite cities of The Lego Pilot
Of the many aviation-related stories that I come across regularly while writing this blog, this one really made me smile.
A nice, light, story for these hot days of summer when most of the Northern Hemisphere is on holidays, The Lego Pilot is the tiny alter ego of an A320-family British pilot.
Just as his real-life self, The Lego Pilot (that is not officially affiliated to the Danish brand), travels around the world with his phone and selfie-stick, ready to take pictures of all the nice places his work takes him to.
The Lego Pilot also puts safety first!
How it all started?
"I saw a few accounts posting LEGO minifigures interacting with the real world. With “Legography” on Facebook being my main inspiration! Photography is an amateur hobby for me and I remember thinking I would love to have an account like this, but how can I make mine different? As I was looking at what LEGO I had, I remembered I had been given a LEGO airplane set and Pilot from my parents as a jokey present when I got my first commercial airline job….The LEGO Pilot was born!"
As it is often the case in the aviation industry, The Lego Pilot is passionate about his job:
"Aviation is my main passion, I love everything about it! Basically I’m still a big kid living my childhood dream of being an airline pilot!"
My aim is to give a taste of life as an airline pilot, and share my passion for all things aviation related through The Lego Pilot (TLP). I also have been promoting more LEGO aviation themed accounts through an alliance…..OneBrick (based on the OneWorld alliance). OneBrick shares all the LEGO aviation posts and pictures. I want to share my enthusiasm for aviation with others and this offers me a way of doing that.
A lot has been said already about the life of aviation professionals, wandering from one city to the next, and The Lego Pilot, is of course, also part of this:
"TLP has travelled around Europe mainly, but has briefly been in Dubai airport, and has visited Hong Kong! Much more coming soon! TLP loved Hong Kong and the history of the old Kai Tak Airport, so that is definitely high up on the list! Hopefully going again soon!
In Europe Barcelona is also high up, one of the quirkiest and beautiful cities by far!! Coming up soon should be the likes of Venice, Cologne, Paris, Madrid, Amsterdam and many more! So much of the world to explore! London is home and where the heart is though! There is always more to go and explore in London!"
And in these days when any out-of the-normal activity at an airport might arise suspicion, collecting all those scenic pictures has meant also some raised eye-brows:
"I usually get strange looks when people see me taking pictures, but when in uniform I am very quick (like a ninja) and subtle to avoid being seen. I still have a professional image to maintain and you never know how some people will react to it. I think only once have I been approached by someone, an American I think, to ask what I was doing….I just responded by saying “oh I take travelling LEGO photos…almost like a travel blog”, he smiled and said “oh, that's so cool” and carried on with his own exploring…. I can’t remember which city that was in, and I was not in uniform thankfully!
The Lego Pilot also follows what's going on in the airline industry, including its mains events
You will find The Lego Pilot on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, collecting, in each of these channels, a remarkable audience numbering in the thousands.
A dedicated website will follow soon..!