The Amadeus Donation Engine


Charity boxes that allow travelers to get rid of their spare change in foreign currency before flying home are common at airports around the World.

Some airlines, like the now bankrupt Transaero, took the concept to the skies too (see for example our "Flight of Hope" article)

But, as Amazon proved by patenting its "1-click" shopping, the key is to make things as frictionless as possible. This is why Amadeus, the travel IT company, has developed a charity-donation functionality that airlines can embed into their booking systems.

The "Amadeus Donation Engine", as the firm has called this technology (playing with the Internet Booking Engine concept) allows passengers on airlines that have signed up for the "Click for Change" initiative (the likes of Iberia, Finnair and Norwegian) to top up their booking payments with a micro-donation to UNICEF, that will use the funds to support several humanitarian projects around the World.